sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014


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PLEASE VISIT OUR BLOG: http://hostalmonasterio.blogspot.com/


This brand new hostel is situated in the heart of the Historic Centre of Cuenca.
Where the cobblestone streets meet the hip new bars and restaurant district. The
hostel offers fully equipped rooms with cozy athmospher and served by the best staff.
Come to find out you wont regret it.

The hostel has 8 rooms (One single, One suite, 5 doble rooms with two queen size beds each, One quad room) all of them with private bathrooms. They are fully equipped with Cable TV, Wifi access, Kitchen facilities, Laundry service,Book exchange, Linens and towels included, free tourist information and a generous breakfast is served

The hostel is located in the historic centre of Cuenca city in a neighborhood where all the main hotels, hostels, restaurants, bars,colonial churches, and museums are. For security reasons we reccomend to take a certified taxi cab from the airport or bus station terminal, its a six minute ride and cost around USD $2,50. If you are walking in the city just ask for "Calle Larga Street" and the "Escalinatas" (public staircase) and
you will find the hostel 30 meters from this corner.

We daily attend our guests until 24hOO, if you are going to arrive later please contact us and let us know at: hostalelmonasterio@hotmail.com

The hostel has eight rooms (One single, One suite, 5 doble rooms with two queen size beds each, One quad room) all of them with private bathrooms. They are fully equipped with Cable TV, Wifi access, Kitchen facilities, Laundry service,
Book exchange, Coffee and tea free, Linens and towels included, free tourist information and a generous breakfast is served daily.
In the same place the best wood oven pizzeria "Marea Pizzeria" runs so you can enjoy the best thin crust pizza after a long day walking in the city streets and museums.

Small well educated pets are welcome, just let us know before arriving.
We provide parking service for bikes, cars or motorcyles.
We daily attend our guests until 24hOO, if you are going to arrive later please contact us and let us know.

OUR PHONE NUMBER IS: 00593 72 827827 Cell phone: 00593 987 610136

FOR RESERVATIONS: hostalelmonasterio@hotmail.com

visit Ecuador

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Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, has four regions each with different characteristics and unique time in our planet. It is also in the mountain region stand majestic snowcapped mountains, on the coast its warm beaches in eastern its extensive vegetation and rivers crystal and how to forget the last of these regions, the insular region which is known for its beautiful flora and wildlife, unique in the world.

The Ecuador to submit more great tourist attractions, has many valuable people which provide his charisma, which makes our country attracts many tourists from all over the world. 
It is for these reasons that Ecuador is a suitable country for tourism as people who visit admire its natural landscapes.


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The Galapagos Archipelago is located in the Pacific Ocean, 1,050 miles west of Ecuador. It consists of 13 large volcanic islands, 6 smaller islands and 107 rocks and islets, which are distributed around the line of the terrestrial Ecuador. 
The Galapagos Islands are famous for its numerous endemic species and the studies by Charles Darwin that led him to establish his theory of evolution by natural selection. 
In the Galapagos Islands we find the perfect combination of great naturalists underwater encounters with very interesting shore excursions. 

Important species inhabiting the islands: 
Galapagos Giant Tortoise or is the animal that gave its name to the islands, Land Iguana, Marine Iguana iguana the only species that seeks its food in the sea, endémicaGaviota lava, Galapagos Penguin is the only species registered the northern hemisphere, one decormorán flightless species, kestrel or sparrow hawk Galapagos, also endemic dwarf Galapagos heron, and 13 endemic species of finches.

Each island of the Galapagos is unique for its biodiversity and recommend include: 
North Seymour, where you will see blue-footed boobies, colonies of frigates, swallow-tailed gulls, sea lions, marine iguanas. Also land iguanas, cactus Opuntia and vegetation that changes color depending on the time of year. 
Spanish Island, Bay Gardner Bay, white sandy beach with a small population of sea lions. Punta Suarez, albatrosses between the months of April and October, sea lions, marine iguanas, Darwin finches, Galapagos doves and stunning blower hole. 
Floreana, Post Office Bay and the famous barrel that served as correspondence for deposit in the eighteenth century whaling ships. Cormorant, sandy green olivine crystal sand. After a walk to the other side of the island is a beach of fine white sand beach where sea turtles nest (December to May) 
Santa Fe, colonies of sea lions, land iguanas, gulls and petrels. We can also view their forests of giant cactus and palo santo. Charles Darwin Research Station. Here you can see the state of parenting and the famous Galapagos Lonesome George. 
Bartolome Island you can see lava formations and tuff cones. This island is one of the most visited and photographed Pinnacle Rock your foot in which you can see sea lions and penguins. Puerto Egas with its black lava landscape and natural pools where you can swim with sea lions. This place is excellent for snorkeling. 
Rabida Island, the red sand beach where you can see colonies of wolves 
Three hairs on the back of the beach, a colony of flamingos. You can also observe brown pelicans, boobies and nine species of Darwin's finches. 
Chinese Hat, a small island inhabited by birds such as hawks, pelicans, lava gull. You can also snorkel occasionally to see manta rays and sea lions. 
Santa Cruz, to the north is the Turtle Cove and is necessary to visit a panga ride through a mangrove swamp and can watch sea turtles nesting at certain times of the year.

tourist information

As a tourist attraction, Galapagos hardly be surpassed. With its prehistoric-looking animals, wildness of the landscape, the gore of its history, the exotic flora and fauna, have reason certain authors as William Beebe in call them 'Galapagos end of the world. "
Nothing more attractive than this suggestive letterhead to create the "need" for people to visit; but tourism is a special Galapagos tourism, leisure and entertainment not, nor great hotels, crowded beaches, casinos and caberets, but on the contrary, to visit the islands, admiring nature at its original splendor, to experience for a moment that simple life, but yet so peaceful and more humane than the daily haunts the poor residents of large urban agglomerations we call cities.
Tourism is "passer" and stay in the different islands as short as not to spoil the sites visited. Lodging is yacht-hotel, or in small huts.
Some years ago there was no tourism in the modern sense, which had is some curiosity about a remote and known by few place, for which a ticket is getting the only more or less passable, the Cristóbal Carrier commercial vessel, that made their monthly, or some Navy cruiser occasionally offered this type of transport routes.
From 1969, with a more commercial sense, "tours" are established organized to offer visitors the following: transfer by plane to Baltra Island, a journey of eight or fifteen days in a well-conditioned boat, with good nutrition and care on board, and the return trip. He'd also available smaller yachts and even some tourists who wanted permancer could stay on the islands or in some particular cases, such as Santa Cruz Island in a first class hotel: the Hotel Galapagos.
At present this type of tourism has gained popularity. Needless to yachts and planes that make the service as just approach any of the travel agencies in major cities for information and prices.
Once in Galapagos for the tourist takes most of your visit, the National Park Service has selected the most attractive places and arranged with paths of travel, which are marked with small stakes painted white. Certain areas prone to destruction as edges of craters, places of sparse vegetation, etc. are forbidden visitors, as it has a sign with a clear legend: "Do not go."
Generally, many boats carrying tourists on board, the guide is responsible for enforcing the Articles of Regulation to which visitors must abide, or risk being punished and that are:
1 No animal should be disturbed and no plant or touched or moved rock.

2 No material may be transported to the islands or an island to another.

3 The animals should not be touched or petted.

4 Do not give any food to the animals.

5. scare or chase every living being, from its nest or resting place is prohibited.

6 is prohibited to lap favorite animals or Islands.

7 Wastes of all kinds should be removed from the islands.

8 Do not buy souvenirs such as sea lion tusks, shells of turtles or tortoises.

9 Had urge to buy any of these, please contact the National Park.

10 When camping, do not make fires.

11 Do not write names on rocks or phrases of any kind.

12 Do not be embarrassed to show your conservationist attitude.

Information Request 13 National Park Service on any trip in the Galapagos.
While it is reasonable to believe that these assumptions are not fulfilled to the letter, however, to go through the sights seen visitors collaborate when they are warned in time and given facilities to achieve these purposes, as is the marking clear paths that can be used and provision of plastic sleeves to pick fruit peel, papers and even cigarette butts.
Thus, despite being close to the 10,000 tourists who pass annually through the islands, not destruction and overcrowding garbage can cause a crowd of that magnitude is detected.
This leads us to ponder that while Galapagos is a tourist location, its development has to be limited, because otherwise not reach the existing facilities and the too many visitors would escape the control of the authorities, with the consequent destruction is precisely what the appeal of Galapagos: its natural beauty. Lately it has been known to set a maximum quota of 12,000 tourists a year.
Naturally, visitors interested in the more exotic and less trite, but the route is fixed and is generally as follows:
Flight tickets from Guayaquil to Baltra: two hours fifteen minutes. By boat, three days and a half from Guayaquil to San Cristobal. Taking this as a starting point, and making the journey in direction of clockwise, we have:
San Cristobal
Formerly known as Chatham, is the capital of the province. It has two main population centers:
Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, Ecuador in honor of the first President who visited the Islands, Puerto Chico was the turn of the century, and El Progreso, where the domestic population and Ingenio Hacienda Manuel J. Cobos Progress was. Both places can be visited and is an excellent opportunity to observe the change in vegetation as a few meters towards the center of the island rise. Other interesting places to visit are:
The Wolf Pack, the Bay of Earwigs, Cerro Brujo and Kicker Rock, a large rock formation at the entrance to the harbor, and especially the freshwater lagoon at the top of the island Junco Lake, a crater volcano which is reached by a path whose route is approximately one hour.
Continuing southbound is the Spanish or Hood Island, small in size (60 km2), uninhabited, but full of varied wildlife, from own island iguanas, lava lizards, snakes and tortoises mount type, including countless birds. Notable is the albatross colony, of which about 10,000 couples, many of them making a nest in the same tourist trails without fear of being disturbed is calculated. Object of curiosity is a kind of geyser, as it is not volcanic, but a tunnel which penetrates a wave of certain features and out a spout at the end, bringing the water to a height of 20 meters to get away with the breeze in a thin drizzle.

About 60 kilometers east of the Spanish is Floreana, Santa Maria and Charles, a dimension of 170 km2. It is the island best known for its bloody dramas and their mysterious disappearances. Your access port is Playa Prieta or Black Beach, where the town is located. Close by the place called La Lobería, easily accessible to the visitor is. In the interior of the island, at the top, are the farms of Ritter and the South, the Asilo de la Paz, a place in which they settled Wittmer. Near this place, prefab house stood: Paradise Baroness Wagner Bousquet. In the center of the island: the Cerro de las Straws, 680 meters high.
A half hour navigation north towards Playa Prieta, is Post Office Bay or Post Office Bay, where the mailbox Colnett established in 1793 is located.
Near this place you can see the Corona del Diablo or Islet Onslow, volcanic cone that rises from the sea and whose spirit impressive appearance overwhelms the visitor. Just beyond Punta Cormorant, where there is a beach where you can pick up small olivine crystals. On this coast is occasionally penguins and lagoons near the beach, flamingos. Across a wide bay Point of white sand in which usually distinguishes turtle nesting, is the Shark Bay.
In the Eastern part of the Island Bay Caves, where tradition says the pirates were staying stands.

Northwest of the Floreana or Isabela is the Albemarle, the largest in the archipelago (4,588 km2). It is the island of the great plains and wild cattle. Instead access is Puerto Villamil. The entrance to the Bay is a bit difficult due to the large amount of rocks on the coast of low cliffs and deep crevices that make navigation difficult, to which must be added an ever rolling sea.
20 kilometers from Puerto Santo Tomás population is (in honor of Berlanga), close to which the Wall of Tears can be seen in the camp of the German Penal Colony that existed until 1959.
Inside the island there are six major volcanic craters: Ecuador, WoLI, Darwin, Alcedo, Sierra Negra and Cerro Azul. The Sierra Negra crater is 10 miles in diameter, the second largest in the world.

Occasionally you can go for the western part of Isabela and continue along the Bolivar Strait separates the island of Fernandina or Narbo rough. The latter is just a volcano of intense activity, therefore, sterile desert. At the top of a huge bay Strait is observed on the side of Isabela. Is the Bay Banks (Banks Bay) formed by the collapse of the west wall of an old crater.

Most of the time there are around Isabela, Puerto Villamil but taken to the north, passing near the Pinzón Island or Duncan, small in size, uninhabited and unimportant. It is located between Isabela and Santa Cruz.

San Salvador
San Salvador, Santiago or James, is located northwest of Santa Cruz. Its area is 584 km2, is uninhabited and unfit for cultivation.
It is accessed by the James Bay (James Bay), whose beach is surrounded by large cliffs susceptible foam lava hit the waves; a few kilometers from the bay two volcanic craters are in the form of an inverted cone, whose vertices large deposits of high purity salt crystals are.
In 1963, when the salt still constituted State monopoly, were carried out works for removal of salt and sold on the continent, but the decree Demonopolization and freedom for industrialization ended efforts to establish an industry more Galapagos. In 1975 there was only the skeleton of a wooden shed and a water tank located in the ravine.
Near James Bay you can visit a colony of fur seals. Near James Bay "The Pirates Cove" (Buccaneer Cove) is observed.

San Bartolomé
To the east of Santiago Island is a tiny: the San Bartolomé. The site access to the island is the Sullivan Bay, whose coast is landed and the rise of a volcanic prominence begins, the same as for the many craters and solfatares has a lunar appearance. From the summit, which is about 100 meters high, is visible in the bottom two bays in a horseshoe, one beside the other, leaving an isthmus between them. The right effort at the end of two strange basalt rock formations: A cone-shaped and other shaped pen, which is spectacular for its slenderness.

Seymour and Baltra
Continuing east you come to a set of three islands: Seymour, Baltra a little further south, separated by the Canal Itabaca Santa Cruz Island.
The first two are dry and not much to say except that WWII was rum which the Ecuadorian government gave as an ally, so you were converted to American military bases. Just used the airport today is one of those built for aviation and naval defense of the Panama Canal.
Of the buildings that existed until 1948, many were destroyed, dismantled and moved to other points finally abandoned many others.

As the main port of Santa Cruz, Puerto Ayora, is in the southern part of the island, the tour is done by its Eastern part to pass along the Plazas. These islands, as they are smaller, are characterized by their shores in large colonies of sea lions and other exotic wildlife specimens in a truly breathtaking scenery.

santa Cruz
This island was known as Indefatigable. Even though it has only brackish water, however, is the most populous and the most picturesque of the group. A wide bay of turquoise, Bay Academy (Academy Bay) allows entry to Puerto Ayora. The bay is flanked by a cliff in the western part, where several houses on the rocks is observed. One of them is the Casa de las Iguanas, where hundreds of black iguanas invade the house at lunchtime, the call of its owner, Karl Angermeyer.
The next house belongs to his brother you can visit the cave, a place which have met several curious objects from all over the Archipelago.
Across the cliffs of a huge bay of white sands and waters rich in lobsters opens. It's called Turtle Bay or most commonly used name in English: Tortuga Bay.
To the right of Academy Bay population of Puerto Ayora is located. Along the village Charles Darwin Biological Station is located.
Between the cliff and Puerto Ayora there is a small channel leading among stones and a mangrove lagoon that opens splendid and quiet: the Pond of the Nymphs. Neighbours say they used to bathe in it the wife and daughter of a settler, to which they mistook the nymphs.
At the top of the island is the agricultural area. On its way vegetation change relative to the height and moisture is observed. At the top are small towns: Bellavista, West, Santa Rosa and continuing with the road going northwards to Baltra, the town of Santa Cruz.
To the north lies the Bay of Conway. This bay is closed at its end to form a narrow channel of turquoise water, by which one enters to the sembarcar on the island. Once ashore, visitors can see a lot of land iguanas and a long stretch of black rocks which give a stunning backdrop to the landscape.

santa Fe
Finally, returning to San Cristobal to close the tour, it appears to the West Island Santa Fe or Barrington. This is small and lacks fresh water; in it but a lot of live goats to which they can be seen walking in long rows along the edge of the cliff. They survive because the settlers have adapted to drinking salt water.

Estero del Plátano ecuador

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Sector galley belonging to the parish, perfect for whale humpback whales site at mating time. It is a gently sloping beach which is divided sharply from the construction area by a barrier made ​​of sacks filled with sand and clay to defend the local population from the assaults of the sea. 

Later tip Galera, where lobsters are caught. It is also the point where the coastline turns south Esmeraldas, which allows us to observe how the calm ocean on a day of the lace is transformed to the other side in rough seas. By the same route it follows to the Estero Platano. 

It extends for 500 meters from the tip of the Corcobada to Rampidal. The Estero de Platano has an average temperature of 25 degrees centígrados.En this place you can see: gulls, frigate birds, pelicans, shorebirds and crabs. On the construction zone are planted palms and ficus. 

• Along the beach you can find fishing boats of the settlers. 
• At low tide you can walk to a cave called "the Virgin" at the tip of Rampidal. 
• In the low cliffs one can catch octopus and lobsters. It is said that this is an ideal whale watching spot in mating season. 

As I get 
The route Santo Domingo de los Colorados-Esmeraldas passes through the town of Rosa Zarate, also known as Quinindé; very close to it, on the same road, is the entrance to the town of Herrera continues from where the road to the village of La Y de la Laguna. Always considering climatic constraints already mentioned

Isla Bonita ecuador

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To get to the Isla Bonita must be done by boat, 25 minutes Muisne is situated on the grounds Stains with a sandy island, thanks to the tranquility of the island and the kind people who inhabit Muisne you can enjoy a spiritual rest as it is almost deserted, shell collecting formerly made ​​by the natives, is the ideal place for tourists to enjoy an environment of pure nature and very calm place. 

The beach width varies from 15 to 60 meters depending on the area in which you are, being smaller dimensions to the estuario.Cuenta with a pleasant climate and a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius. 

A typical arboreal vegetation of the areas of influence of the tides, mangrove is observed. There are 6 predominant mangrove species that can exceed 30 meters in height that live in association with species of other families such as Bromeliaceae, Orchidaceae and Polipordiopsida. 

There are areas where the mangrove does not exceed 5 meters in height and are called dwarf Manglillo or mangle. The species found are: Mangrove iguanero or black, Jeli mangrove, white mangrove, piñuelo mangrove, red mangrove, colorado real-Mangle or turkey breast and Lockhartia Serra. 

As for wildlife can be observed: gulls, frigate birds, pelicans, shorebirds, crabs. 

Tourists can also visit Isla Bonita, located 30 minutes from Muisne, former place of collecting shells from the natives. It is a beautiful place, almost deserted, it is ideal for tourists to enjoy an environment of pure nature and very calm place.

Lita and Seven Falls

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Its waters between crystalline and, in sections, shady, fed and agitated by various aspects like Mataje, Bourbon, Molina, Molinita, Nadadero, among others, lead to amazing places such as Waterfall Princess Tari. 

Waterfalls, natural paradise located between the provinces of Imbabura, Carchi and Esmeraldas, Seven has a sub-tropical climate and unique landscape in the world, making it a paradise, visited by domestic and foreign tourists. 

Location. It is located in the green province of Esmeraldas, bordering the provinces of Imbabura and Carchi. 

Entering via the Ibarra -. Peñas at Km 111 facilities Seven Waterfalls Lodge is located next to the road. 

A place to enjoy. The Seven Waterfalls is a lodge that has a camping area with capacity for 40 people, where you can share extraordinary moments, surrounded by amazing waterfalls and trails with lush vegetation. 
Also has cabins with natural details that allow you to enjoy this space so environmentally friendly. 

Care and protection. Comprised of 207 acres of cloud rainforest, and as its name says protects a set of waterfalls in paradise CHUCHUBI river, and there are nature trails to enter the wonderful world of biodiversity in flora and fauna, including the trails leading at seven waterfalls and the path of the primary forest guardians of wisdom. 

The main objective of the book is the seven waterfalls forest conservation and watershed near the river CHUCHUBI, small tributaries and streams, thus preserving genetic resources and ecosystems for biological conservation, reduce the loss of natural forests, stop deforestation, control erosion, promote ecotourism and achieve environmental education and research community in this area. 

Unforgettable. Everyone who visits the reservation is delighted with the experience. They swim in the river, horseback riding, hiking trails, camping and now provide a memorable touch with friends or family, leaving each of the visitors a memorable impression. 

In the book there are also native guides who know the benefits of this territory to bring to know every corner of this wonderful place and take advantage of the same benefits. 

You can also observe local animals such as agoutis and hare amid the thick vegetation. 

What in summary are Seven Falls 

Each with 6-80 meters high, make the visit a unique experience that demand from short to long walks along the various paths in the trails 207 acres, located at the convergence point of the provinces of Esmeraldas, Carchi and Imbabura, where the magnificent Ecuadorian Chocó rainforest, one of the wettest on the planet with high endemic biodiversity rises. 

Waterfalls, friendly and quirky christened with names like El Duende, in honor of the mythical character who supposedly usually appearing on the site; Love, to be discovered on February 14; Santa Ana, in honor of a young man with the same name that was first seen; Woman of the House, because of its rocks 'draws' a feminine silhouette; Las Cuevas, to form a kind of arch; and La Reina and San Diego, as tributaries feeding the Chuchuví.

For one of the sections, for many the most striking, the tunnel 'Of Love', where "come out two to three 'is crossed, the guide says with mirth, and the bridge where the railroad once passed, which arrived San Lorenzo first time on 26 August 1957, now disabled.

La Guajira is a tourist destination

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Thank you for your interest in knowing the "Guajira" 

Tourism in the Guajira gives you a different way of seeing, our tourism is ecological, away from the congestion of cities, the noise pollution, its absorbent concrete moles. 
We advise you on the Guajira tourism. So before you come to the Guajira, you know and decide which places you want to visit, because all roads lead to the Guajira, so you can build your tour package according to the availability of time and resources, we are your agreeable to orders.

la mezquita Omar Ibn Alkhattab en Maicao La Guajira Colombia
La Mezquita Omar Ibn AlKhattab 
First day at Guajira: When you get to the Maicao that is the place that meets the requirements to move to anywhere in the Guajira geographic and commercial situation, you've already lost almost half a day and you have to use the time we offer a tour Maicao by trading where you can buy handicrafts made by indigenous Wayuu industrious, blankets, hammocks, backpacks. Or trade ranch, spirits, shoes, appliances which can acquiring Maicao and sleep walking that day in a comfortable, simple hotel for strength to face the magic of Guajira.

Turismo en la Guajira
Turismo en la Guajira El Faro Cabo de la Vela  
Second day in the Guajira: Early we can direct Uribía, the indigenous capital of Colombia. While we decide where we are going, we can savor the dish of the Indian community the Frichis dish prepared based on goat meat, we can go meet Manaure or heading after sailing to enjoy their beach and sea as quiet and blue like a swimming pool in the afternoon we go to the lighthouse to watch a beautiful sunset.

Turismo en la Guajira a su servicio
Panorámica desde el Pilón de Azúcar 
Third day in the Guajira: Visit to the sacred mountain of the Wayuu Pilon de Azucar, site hiking to climbing the mountain or you can expand the cliffs of the place. From the hilltop you can contemplate the vastness of the desert. And his sheets. Then you can enjoy the golden beach, and a different place sea that guarantees natural shade until two in the afternoon and even if you force a trip to the nude beach, or if no return to rest after sailing.

Fenómeno natural captado para el turismo de la Guajira
 fenómeno natural agua dulce cerca del mar
Fourth day in Guajira:  We address the darling of water a place where born freshwater fifty meters from the sea and where the chief Bernier, took water for their domestic chores, there also is a beach with a different sea which we shall enjoy, also lends for hiking and beautiful landscapes that invite meditation and contact with nature in the evening return after sailing.

Así gozan nuestros clientes que reciben asesoría turística en la Guajira
Viajando en un cayuco Wayuu por el mar de La Guajira
Fifth day in the Guajira: We invite you to tour the sea, that you see from another aspect Cape Coast candle be near the cave of the devil and the nose among other places then headed to the wind farm, where electricity is generated that takes the city Medellin Uribía going back to the devil's Backbone Maicao stay in the other day to pick our destination is by air or land.

Along with the sights we offer: Transportation, meals (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), Refreshments, Water (remember you're in a desert), Lodging (sleeping in a hammock on the sea) in a hotel in a million stars when in the Guajira check the vasa.

Tourist Attractions Dominican

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The Dominican Republic, is located in the archipelago of the Greater Antilles, occupying more than two-third of the second largest island with the Republic of Haiti. Tropical country, bordered by beautiful white sand beaches caressed by Astro Rey. Being the second largest Caribbean with an area of ​​48,442 square kilometers and an estimated population of about 10 million inhabitants country. 

Inhabited by Taínos since the seventh century, the island was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492 on his first voyage to the New World, becoming the site of the first European settlement. Currently occupies one of the most important places as a tourist destination, both for its history, its tropical sunshine, beautiful beaches, resorts, valleys and mountains, and the great warmth that greets visitors with a beautiful welcoming smile .

In our country there Dominicans different tourist attractions that you can have fun and enjoy family. These Dominican tourist places you can visit are several, including its beautiful beaches, resorts and different attractions. Dominican tourist attractions can be categorized among the top tourist destinations in the Caribbean region. 

Among Dominicans tourist places you can visit are in the following regions:

East Region 

It is one of the most exploited tourist attractions Dominicans. Here are the best beaches in the country and the best hotels and tourist attractions. Among the sights of this region we can mention: Bavaro, La Altagracia, Punta Cana, La Romana, our capital Santo Domingo, Boca Chica and Juan Dolio.

North or Cibao Region

Another Dominican tourist sites most visited by tourists is this region. It is a well-populated region, characterized by mountainous areas and where most agricultural production of the country. Among Dominicans tourist attractions in this area can include: Puerto Plata, Sosua, Samana, Nagua, Jarabacoa, Constanza, among others.

southern Region

It is one of the Dominican tourist places that do not have that big boom like other tours. Among Dominicans tourist attractions of the region which we mention this Bani Dunes, Aguilas Bay and Lake Enriquillo.

These sights Dominicans are among the few that have mentioned many. As published articles that talk about the different tourist spots in the world Dominicans to have fun. In this blog we will discuss the Dominican beaches in the world, attractions and Dominican for a holiday resort.

Dominican beaches

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Dominican beaches of this Caribbean island has among the best beaches for both swimmers and water sports. Its tropical sun and white sand beaches makes the enjoyment of the vacation unforgettable. The crystalline waters of the Dominican beaches and its sea corals and diversity of aquatic species, lead to the temptation of paradise. The beauty of the Dominican beaches make you feel being in a paradise surrounded by crystal clear waters and exotic vegetation. 

Now surfeemos herself all the Dominican coast and know which are the most popular and attractive beaches in the Dominican coast. Which beaches have for the East, North, South and Northeast area, knowing encourage you to give it a "dip" or might enjoy your favorite water sport. Magical world love you all. 

Beaches on the East Coast. 

On the East Coast of the Dominican Republic, and we assure you that you will love, including the most famous Dominican beaches are: Playa Bavaro, Playa Dominicus, Minitas Beach, Punta Cana, Saona Island, Catalina Island, among others. All with its natural charm, for a vacation that are simply unforgettable.

North of Punta Cana, stretching over 30 miles along the coast, this beach of soft white sand is located right there tourist numbers rise resorts to make you feel in paradise. Coconut trees adorn it along its entire length. Dominicus Beach with Blue Flag status, beautiful beach suitable for divers and underwater practitioners due to the presence of a large reef. Located in Bayahibe, La Romana. 

Bavaro Beach is a long stretch of white beach. It gives to seem like an extended stretch of soft white sand. Also lined with numerous tourist resort for fun. And in La Romana have private luxury beach resort House, Playa Minitas, which features a variety of water sports. 

West coast beach. 

Dominican beaches abound on the southwest coast of the country and Bani Dunes are another attraction of the area, surrounded by deserts. In this area, tourists can find the beach of Salinas and Punta del Derrumbao very beautiful. Bay Boilers excellent for practicing windsurfing is. Further west, the landscape changes dramatically and becomes forests, pristine rivers and high mountains. Even untapped tourist level besides beautiful beaches not so popular, it has interesting internal spas such as Quemadito in Barahona, San Rafael and Paradise. 

Beaches of Northwest Coast. 

Samana Peninsula, presents the small island located just a couple of miles from the coast to Cayo Levantado, which houses small beaches. And north of Las Terrenas Samaná is located on the beach surrounded by coconut trees, making this a perfect destination with beach sand, surf and shade. A movie set is Playa Bonita with its white sand and clear turquoise waters. As historical memory, Beaches Arrows, name given to remember the battles between European and Taino in the first voyage of Columbus. And listed among the top 10 beaches in the world Playa Rincon, splendid, surrounded by coconut palms and almond trees and dramatically bordered by a mountain adding a touch of glamor and the Dominican beaches surround the entire northwest coast extending the freshness and beauties of these.

North Coast Beach 

Dominican beaches that were first known internationally are on the north coast: Playa Dorada, located in Puerto Plata, houses the largest resort in the Dominica Republic, protected by reefs and warm waters. Also in Puerto Plata is Playa Cofresi, great for browning in the sun, offering the opportunity to practice and Boggieboarding Bodysurfing because of its rough waters, it is next to Ocean World, the country's largest underwater park. Playa Grande and Luperon. In Sosúa, 23 kilometers east of Puerto Plata, Sosua Beach is a postcard-perfect beach on the bay of calm waters, is considered one of the most famous beaches between all Dominican beaches. And Cabarete, one of the five best known for practicing kiteboarding and windsurfing beaches in the world.

Tourist Attractions in Dominican Republic

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One of the most flourishing industry in the economy of the Dominican Republic, is tourism. Every year thousands of tourists visit us. We chose as their tourist destination to spend your vacation. These come either alone or with your family. 

And is that the Dominican Republic attractions are lovely and attract even the most eccentric and demanding tourists to put on your holiday list to the Dominican Republic. Among the tourist attractions of Dominican Republic offers us are mountain tourism, historical sites and the well known beach tourism. 

The best known tourist attractions in Dominican Republic and year after year attracts more and more visitors both domestic and overseas to enjoy our nature are: the Jimenoa, waterfall river Jimenoa, beautiful creation bordered by lush vegetation, the city of "eternal spring", located in the Central Cordillera of the island.

Awe rises over the Atlantic Ocean, as one sees pass the time, El Morro de Monte Cristi, located in the town of Monte Cristi in the call line noroeste.Bañado by the clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean makes this geographic feature adds presence and strength and beauty, leaving shock to all who visit. This Dominican Republic attraction is unique in the country and why not in the Caribbean West Indian. This attraction was named after the Admiral Christopher Columbus. El Morro contains lush vegetation and is joined to the mainland by mangrove and marine channels.

The Cave of Wonders, is a tourist attraction in Dominican Republic, located between San Pedro de Macoris and La Romana in the eastern region of the country. This unique natural museum of cave art made by the Taino located between Soco and Cumayasa rivers. With over 450 paintings on the walls and one 19 recorded in rocks. It is a protected area that has about 800 meters long and is 25 feet underground.

A curious attraction of the Dominican Republic that Mother Nature gives us, in the north of the country, in the province of Puerto Plata is the 27 Rio Damajagua puddles. Nestled in the rolling hills of the Northern Range of the Dominican Republic, a treasure that Mother Nature made ​​for our amusement. The 27 Pools, engraved by limestone, waiting for you to discover the anime kept secret only for you.

Dominican Vacations

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When you think about your invites or holiday, the first thing that comes to mind, in addition to breaking the routine of work, make the most of your days off. Among many options a Dominican holiday feel better by its relation to the nature of its many tourist spots. These vacations can be in coastal beaches or inland.

A holiday in the Dominican interior, is the perfect medicine to deal with stress and get you out of the routine of everyday life. Holidays in the inside, I contacted the protected reserves of our flora and fauna, enjoy the cool waters of our spas such as the confluence of the Jimenoa and rivers Yaque del Norte in Jarabacoa, or the 27 puddles damajuana in the tourist province of Puerto Plata. In the list, these may include Dominican vacation attractions such as El Morro de Monte Cristi and La Cueva de las Maravillas in La Romana. 

Enjoy a splendid vacation in the Dominican coasts put you in contact with the radiating rays of our tropical sun which by the crystal waters of our seas give you the magic touch of being in paradise. Dominican holidays are full with different water sports that will be offered in Cabarete beach such as high international recognition in the surf. For those who like the deep sea, add to their list of activities diving holiday to discover the beautiful secrets that our Dominican seas. 

Adding to a growing list of Dominican tourist attractions, we can not fail to mention citadino center that can somehow draw attention to enjoy a Dominican vacation. These tourist attractions are those that bear a certain historical value as it is the colonial city in the Dominican capital, reserves made ​​by patriotic independence. Historical Monument to the Heroes of the Restoration in the city of Santiago de los Caballeros to the Midwest. But also on your holiday Dominican dare to hop on the cable car in Puerto Plata, and rises to the top of the Mount Isabel de Torres and your eyes remain impressed with the beauty that will offer you the sky. 

A Dominican vacation you will love. They are both so make unforgettable your temptations will be coming back to enjoy the wonders of this tropical country. So, your vacation will Dominicans as a part of you.

Dominican Resort

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This publication does not purport to be an advertisement for some Dominican tourist resort, not even a list of accommodations including hotels, as we are not a travel agency or business trips. Writing about Dominican resorts, we just want to highlight the quality of services they offer either one you choose as a tourist spot for your well deserved vacation. In our case, we intend that by choosing a Dominican resort in your destination you will enjoy like I was in paradise, our Dominican Republic.

So much so that the leading tourist destinations in the Dominican Republic have varieties of tourist resort with many services for you and your family to recreate the most. Although this article is not a publication more to show any specific interest to Dominican resort, we mention that air or tourist areas of interest are:. Puerto Plata, La Romana and Punta Cana Among other no less interest are Las Terrenas and Samana in the Northeast and Juan Dolio in the East and a special mention Dominican resorts in the North stand Maimon and Luperon.

Silver Gate, located on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, bathed by the crystalline waters of the majestic Atlantic Ocean, gives us one of the most powerful and renowned resorts which houses different tourist resorts: Playa Dorada. This resort Dominican resorts located just five minutes from the city of Puerto Plata offers unimaginable for your stay. Next in the area of ​​the north coast, just 23 kilometers east Sosua Beach, which borders it to have a good tourist resorts.

  Although the capital of the Republic has five star hotels numbers with excellent service and attentiveness is to the east, searching for the rising sun, which draws attention to Dominican and foreign tourists. Dominican resorts, we find from Juan Dolio, once passed by Boca Chica, kissed by the troubling waters of the Caribbean Sea and the nice breeze that helps us feel the caress of the sun sun. Across the land of the bigleagues of the major league baseball, San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican if talking is luxury resorts, to contact the same in La Romana This House, an earthly paradise on earth and a mention Altos de Chavon special deserves great artist when it comes. And there, in the end, Punta Cana, Dominican honoring resorts, we can only invite them to be in choosing it as your destination in Dominica Republic.

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